Friday, June 26, 2009


I can finally say I'm officially done & over high school. Like what Andrew Song our Valedictorian stated, our life is like a movie and we're moving on to make the best movie out of our life. I'm proud of everyone that made it through four years, the memories will last, the friendships, the hardships, the skipping, the easy teachers, the dramas, etc. everything was worth while. I must say that lining up and spending the whole day standing on heels never felt better. I got diploma, it was something I worked for and I've earned it. Now it's just the beginning of my real life. No more kiddish things, this is where reality begins. I was quite disappointed that the special people I wanted to be there wasn't there, I won't say much bout my night but all I can say was breaking down after all my stress never felt so good. It just took one simple action to break me down, and my balloon of tears overflowed with tears for the whole night. I should go shopping to make me feel better, but me & baby are going shopping next week. I believe? =) so I guess I should just get ready to see him tonight. perhaps play some ball and enjoy the weather =]

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