Thursday, December 31, 2009

goodbye 2009, hello 2010.

wow this year went by so fast. I still member how scared I was going into 2009 because it meant change in my life. College is one of them, it made me become really independent and not reliable on anyone else. This year I didn't care about anyone but myself, and I'm glad I did that because I found out who are the people I can really trust. There were quite a few highlights of the year. Graduating from high school, going to college, Niagara with boyfriend so many times, Blue Mountain with my fam & boyfriend, Skiing with boyfriend alone, Raps vs. Magic, Raps vs. Cavs, latest video games, zoo, ontario science center, new adventures, eating everywhere, etc. Along with most of these highlights, I thank my boyfriend for sharing them with me. I also thank God for giving me him, and we're still strong.Speaking of new years, tomorrow is our 11 months :).

I really hope that 2010 will be my year. I hope that things get better, everything was good this year and I plan to continue being independent and not caring bout anyone else but my fam & my boyfriend. I've met a few great people this year, thank god for that.

I should save more this year lol. Me & baby got a lot of plans this year, our one year, summer, perhaps the orlando trip we've been planning, new york?, whatever trip we have been planning etc. I also wanna be the best girlfriend I can be, as promises we're made. I've never been any happier being in a relationship with someone. I plan to keep it :). Love you babe.

Anyways, I'm not even making sense anymore, cuz I'm like getting ready lol


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