What the heck is wrong with the weather? Honestly, the past 3-4 days was like pure rain and now it's all sunny. I'm not complaining bout the sun but that's how I get sick all the time because of the change in weather. I never know how to dress for the weather. But anyways, I just woke up few minutes ago and was planning the weekend with my boyfriend =]. I'm looking forward to it, cuz I actually realized that our summer plans are almost done, we're almost at the end of it. At least my summer didn't turn out that bad like loafting and things. Because I have been on that loafting tip, I don't want to go back, I'm happy that I'm moving on and not staying in one place and being productive of my time. Y'all can go have fun loafting, I choose to live my life & I'm happy with where I'm going. But I won't lie partying sometimes isn't bad as long as it's not everyday. Speaking of parties here are some of the pics from mine & Julius's little get together.

Edward, Jonnie, Jayar, & Richard singing happy birthday to me & julius

With Cate .. my pink eye was bothering me =(

Some of us.Anyways enough of this, I kind of miss Klaudine! well not really lol kidding now I have to drive further to come pick her up and bring her back to civilization lol =). I also miss my two little cousins, they left last night after sleeping over for a few days, it surprised me that they liked my boyfriend that much lol. They bugged him the whole time he was here lol. I also woke up today to my boyfriend's voice, it was prolly one of the cutest moments after a long time, it made my day. Anyways that's it for now, I'll blog whenever I get the chance to.
- dee
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