Saturday, had work from 12 to 7 and baby picked me up went home, changed, then went to my god daughter's birthday party. It was pretty cool just hanging with fam & boyfriend, I think my life is finally settling. I think that now I'm finally realizing what real life is, just a taste of it at least. No more immature ways, no more slangs, no more of that old things i used to do as a kid. I'm kind of proud of myself for moving on with life with no one stopping me.

Picture of me, Jana (god daughter's sister), & the boyfriend
She really knew how to pose, we taught her well =P
Sunday was good, went to church, then took out my little brother to play ball with my boyfriend, even though it was boring, it was fun watching my lil brother & my boyfriend running ball.
yesterday was my work day as well, it was pretty slow, but I'm sick so i didn't mind the slowness, and today I have a day off, so Im going to see the boyfriend =], tomorrow is work from 3 - 9 & thursday from 10 - 9 , good freaking hours, tiring but worth it.
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