I know you gave a chance to be with me
I'm not sayin’ that this ain’t meant to be
Boy I’m risking my heart to love you faithfully
When ever I’m over my head I want you to keep on holding on
cause no matter what you say or do
I will still love you
Boy you’re my pride, my everything
and anything means everything
and everything I want is you
I want to spend my life with you
hate to tell you, you need to do
everything you want me to do
love me faithfully
here’s my hand
take good care of me
just know you’ll always have a shoulder to cry on
come and rescue me
take my had
love it faithfully
you’ll always have a shoulder to cry on
cause sometimes its still hard to believe
we made it through our lives and doubts
when ever you lost it
I’ll always be there
you’ll always be the one to remain in my heart
I can only promise one thing baby you’ll always have a place in my heart
Boy I will love you forever and ever
come baby I promise you that I will never
lose my faith in us
I promise everything will be ok
Baby whenever we are together
whenever I doubt boy you make things all better
you know that I am sensitive to all the thing you can give
all I want is you in my life
Thursday, July 30, 2009
baby we just happened.
You used to tell me that I was your pride & joy. That you love me, that you're all for me, that it's just me, that you will marry me someday, that I was going to be the mom of your kids, and everything else.
But I'm sick of words, show me actions.. I've got a lot to say but I'll leave it.
Whatever happens, i still love you, always will.
But I'm sick of words, show me actions.. I've got a lot to say but I'll leave it.
Whatever happens, i still love you, always will.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Had a day off today and I basically laid my bum on my bed & txt the boyfriend the whole time until maybe round 3ish. He picked me up, played some ball & watched 500 Days of Summer, pretty good movie it was funny. I'm surprised it wasn't as boring as I thought it would be. Even baby loved it, it was funny.. but the funniest thing is the guy that was beside us lol. He honestly made my day, it's not everyday you see a guy watching a chick flick by himself and being so into it. Now, I'm just chillaxing listening to music and such. I got work tomorrow, one more day and my weekend begins, finally..... anyways ill blog again soontimes, later days..
- dee
- dee
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Bye bye computer..
so this morning I had to wake up to my computer giving up on me, my desktop that is. After 5 years it gave up on me lol, so I have to settle for this laptop until I get a new one. Me and baby are planning to get matching mac books before school starts lol. Anyways didn't have work today and I changed the ayout of my room, I also cleaned up my closet. I ended up with two full garbage bags lol.
blog ya later ..
im too lazy lol
blog ya later ..
im too lazy lol
Monday, July 27, 2009
not bad.
What the heck is wrong with the weather? Honestly, the past 3-4 days was like pure rain and now it's all sunny. I'm not complaining bout the sun but that's how I get sick all the time because of the change in weather. I never know how to dress for the weather. But anyways, I just woke up few minutes ago and was planning the weekend with my boyfriend =]. I'm looking forward to it, cuz I actually realized that our summer plans are almost done, we're almost at the end of it. At least my summer didn't turn out that bad like loafting and things. Because I have been on that loafting tip, I don't want to go back, I'm happy that I'm moving on and not staying in one place and being productive of my time. Y'all can go have fun loafting, I choose to live my life & I'm happy with where I'm going. But I won't lie partying sometimes isn't bad as long as it's not everyday. Speaking of parties here are some of the pics from mine & Julius's little get together.

Edward, Jonnie, Jayar, & Richard singing happy birthday to me & julius

With Cate .. my pink eye was bothering me =(

Some of us.
Anyways enough of this, I kind of miss Klaudine! well not really lol kidding now I have to drive further to come pick her up and bring her back to civilization lol =). I also miss my two little cousins, they left last night after sleeping over for a few days, it surprised me that they liked my boyfriend that much lol. They bugged him the whole time he was here lol. I also woke up today to my boyfriend's voice, it was prolly one of the cutest moments after a long time, it made my day. Anyways that's it for now, I'll blog whenever I get the chance to.
- dee

Edward, Jonnie, Jayar, & Richard singing happy birthday to me & julius

With Cate .. my pink eye was bothering me =(

Some of us.
Anyways enough of this, I kind of miss Klaudine! well not really lol kidding now I have to drive further to come pick her up and bring her back to civilization lol =). I also miss my two little cousins, they left last night after sleeping over for a few days, it surprised me that they liked my boyfriend that much lol. They bugged him the whole time he was here lol. I also woke up today to my boyfriend's voice, it was prolly one of the cutest moments after a long time, it made my day. Anyways that's it for now, I'll blog whenever I get the chance to.
- dee
Sunday, July 26, 2009
something needs to be changed ..
You turn to a completely different person.. You know what i'm talking bout. I won't go on in here blabbering bout you, cuz i know how much you hate that.. Saying sorry to me makes me feel happy that you still got the potential to change. Also, telling me that you need help makes me wanna cry because it states the fact that you want to change, since I've always want to be the girl you will change for. But I have been trying to help you ever since we started, I just don't know how to anymore.. So please, if you know just let me know.I'll get to my point now, something needs to be changed. I'm telling you this because I want us to work, regardless of anything, I love you.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
New layout
My blog was asking for a new layout lol so I changed it. I keep hearing my dad bugging my brother to play ps3 with him and my brother keeps responding with a "you need more practice" lol, I'm so jealous with their relationship. I wish I had that kind of father-daughter relationship. Well I used to, but not anymore I'm a tad older now and those kiddish ways are out of the way. Anyways I had work yesterday and we had a really funny staff meeting. Athina came over after work & James came along, they stayed til like 12ish. It was I guess nice seeing and talking to them about life & things. The weather is so bummy, it's okay though I'm seeing my boyfriend and spending time with him =). Sorry babe that I can't make it on Saturday or Sunday, I'll make it up to you!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
okay so I can't help but think that this summer is such a fail. Honestly I was looking forward to it, couldn't wait for it to come.. & now that it's here it's the worst summer yet. All I do is work, I don't get no excitement in my life right now. Before summer came we made it a point that we'll do all these shit, and now we don't even have time to do anything. For fucks sakes I feel like we don't even do anything anymore. Especially now that it's almost coming to an end, you got your own thing going on now. Like ball is more important than me, well that's how I feel anyways. You can't even talk to me at night anymore, all you do is fall asleep, I know you're tired and all but I am too and I still make it a priority to talk to you just because I didn't talk to you for the whole day. The only time we actually get to talk talk is when we're arguing, other than that you'd just sleep. I don't want to go on and ramble about things that are immature but all I'm asking for is your attention, and a bit of your time. I won't count on it, but I won't lose anything if i try right? Like how I've been trying to earn YOU, your trust, your love, your everything for the past months. I hope the day will come when you'll just come up to me and say, "I'm giving you everything you've been trying to earn". I'll be waiting....
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Yesterday was bomb, before going to work I had to wake up extremely early to get ready for my placement test at Humber. I picked up Jezz in the morning & drove there to write my test. It was a pretty easy computerized Math test. We had to bus from there to Sq since my mom took the car. Went mad shopping lol shopped til I had to go to work at 5 =( lol.. 3 more things on the list : juicy couture purse, adidas sweater, ipod.
I did my hair today, it's supposed to have a lighter base color but it didn't work that well, but it has nuff highlights. spent nuff money on that as well, which means now im broke lol. so the 3 things on my list have to wait lol. I also spent time with my boyfriend today since my work shift was canceled. I was so close to giving in to him buying me an ipod for my bday present but no =] lol.. BTW YOU STILL OWE ME SOMETHING FOR LOSING OUR BET :).. We also came up with an idea of going to Montreal. I'm excited =]
no more facebook for me as well.
I did my hair today, it's supposed to have a lighter base color but it didn't work that well, but it has nuff highlights. spent nuff money on that as well, which means now im broke lol. so the 3 things on my list have to wait lol. I also spent time with my boyfriend today since my work shift was canceled. I was so close to giving in to him buying me an ipod for my bday present but no =] lol.. BTW YOU STILL OWE ME SOMETHING FOR LOSING OUR BET :).. We also came up with an idea of going to Montreal. I'm excited =]
no more facebook for me as well.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Birthday Weekend.
Friday was sick, even though it sucked.. My boyfriend took me to the zoo & we saw nuff animals, I never knew there were that much kinds of monkeys aha anyways it was good while it lasted, I didn't want anything for my bday but baby knows what i want from him which even made me tear by telling him. After the long day of walking at the zoo we went to STC to chill & watch I Love You Beth Cooper, it sucked ! i fell asleep lol. To make things worst, I GOT PINK EYE ON MY BIRTHDAY!
Saturday I didn't expect much from the park thing because i know there wasn't much to expect. Thank you so much for the people that came, you guys made it fun & took my mind off the people that didn't want to come & didn't even bother greeting me on my birthday. It was just a piss off that my boyfriend had to leave and he didn't even spend time with me, instead he chose to throw a football with my brother. After all the talks & the jokes we had off we went to julius's place to celebrate mines, his & his twins birthday, they turned 19 =]. There was a lot of alcohol, which everyone finished except for me since i promised my boyfriend i wasn't going to drink. But the night was full of fun, I haven't had that much fun in awhile. I missed my friends.
Today is just church for me, & i'm currently pissed off at the moment, I hate when you get so mad at me for not txting you back for 5 minutes, you ignore me for 5 hours & you don't expect me to get mad. It's not fair that you're doing this to me like im just a piece of shit to you, put yourself in my shoe, if i didn't text you back for 5 hours you would freak!i dnt give a damn if your battery is dieing, but don't ignore me. You wouldn't want me doing that to you. & you act like it's nothing? well you're wrong cause it is something. I'm pissed off at you at the moment. How do I know you're not doing shit behind my back when you ignore me for that long. I don't care who you're with, before you left we promised each other we were going to txt each other. My birthday weekend is already ruined and you don't give two fucks about it.
Tomorrow i have a test at humber, I'm going to drive there then go back home & I'm bringing Jezz with me so when we get back I should go shopping. I need to treat myself & get away from all these stresses.
By the way thank you for everyone that greeted me & tried cheering me up, I appreciatte every bit of it. Thanks Klaudine for writing that thing for me. Thanks Jezz, Lauren, Jonnie, Julius, & Reymar for coming to the park & also special shout to Cate, Edward, Kristine, Rainier, Ivy, Ashley, Gloria, Jayar, Richard & Richard's girlfriend?(i forgot her name lol) for making mine julius's & jerome's birthday fun! thanks for all the cheers, jokes, laughs, love, & drinking up for our birthday to be fun :)
NTS: look for a place to go camping.
Saturday I didn't expect much from the park thing because i know there wasn't much to expect. Thank you so much for the people that came, you guys made it fun & took my mind off the people that didn't want to come & didn't even bother greeting me on my birthday. It was just a piss off that my boyfriend had to leave and he didn't even spend time with me, instead he chose to throw a football with my brother. After all the talks & the jokes we had off we went to julius's place to celebrate mines, his & his twins birthday, they turned 19 =]. There was a lot of alcohol, which everyone finished except for me since i promised my boyfriend i wasn't going to drink. But the night was full of fun, I haven't had that much fun in awhile. I missed my friends.
Today is just church for me, & i'm currently pissed off at the moment, I hate when you get so mad at me for not txting you back for 5 minutes, you ignore me for 5 hours & you don't expect me to get mad. It's not fair that you're doing this to me like im just a piece of shit to you, put yourself in my shoe, if i didn't text you back for 5 hours you would freak!i dnt give a damn if your battery is dieing, but don't ignore me. You wouldn't want me doing that to you. & you act like it's nothing? well you're wrong cause it is something. I'm pissed off at you at the moment. How do I know you're not doing shit behind my back when you ignore me for that long. I don't care who you're with, before you left we promised each other we were going to txt each other. My birthday weekend is already ruined and you don't give two fucks about it.
Tomorrow i have a test at humber, I'm going to drive there then go back home & I'm bringing Jezz with me so when we get back I should go shopping. I need to treat myself & get away from all these stresses.
By the way thank you for everyone that greeted me & tried cheering me up, I appreciatte every bit of it. Thanks Klaudine for writing that thing for me. Thanks Jezz, Lauren, Jonnie, Julius, & Reymar for coming to the park & also special shout to Cate, Edward, Kristine, Rainier, Ivy, Ashley, Gloria, Jayar, Richard & Richard's girlfriend?(i forgot her name lol) for making mine julius's & jerome's birthday fun! thanks for all the cheers, jokes, laughs, love, & drinking up for our birthday to be fun :)
NTS: look for a place to go camping.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Haven't updated since what Thursday? lol, Friday took the day off and went off with my mom to do our nails, like finally even if it was just for a bit it felt nice finally paying for myself and stuff. It also felt nice doing because of the outcome since I had a day off at work and didn't have to worry about getting ready and blah. Me nd baby got our pair of chucks that day as well =] they look cute when we wear them together lol.Then we watched Bruno, it was hilarious but gross. Please don't bring kids and go watch that movie, it's honestly not for kids. Friday was also Athina's & James's one year, so shout out to both of you ! Congratulations, im happy for both of you =] & love you both
Saturday, had work from 12 to 7 and baby picked me up went home, changed, then went to my god daughter's birthday party. It was pretty cool just hanging with fam & boyfriend, I think my life is finally settling. I think that now I'm finally realizing what real life is, just a taste of it at least. No more immature ways, no more slangs, no more of that old things i used to do as a kid. I'm kind of proud of myself for moving on with life with no one stopping me.

Picture of me, Jana (god daughter's sister), & the boyfriend
She really knew how to pose, we taught her well =P
Sunday was good, went to church, then took out my little brother to play ball with my boyfriend, even though it was boring, it was fun watching my lil brother & my boyfriend running ball.
yesterday was my work day as well, it was pretty slow, but I'm sick so i didn't mind the slowness, and today I have a day off, so Im going to see the boyfriend =], tomorrow is work from 3 - 9 & thursday from 10 - 9 , good freaking hours, tiring but worth it.
Saturday, had work from 12 to 7 and baby picked me up went home, changed, then went to my god daughter's birthday party. It was pretty cool just hanging with fam & boyfriend, I think my life is finally settling. I think that now I'm finally realizing what real life is, just a taste of it at least. No more immature ways, no more slangs, no more of that old things i used to do as a kid. I'm kind of proud of myself for moving on with life with no one stopping me.

Picture of me, Jana (god daughter's sister), & the boyfriend
She really knew how to pose, we taught her well =P
Sunday was good, went to church, then took out my little brother to play ball with my boyfriend, even though it was boring, it was fun watching my lil brother & my boyfriend running ball.
yesterday was my work day as well, it was pretty slow, but I'm sick so i didn't mind the slowness, and today I have a day off, so Im going to see the boyfriend =], tomorrow is work from 3 - 9 & thursday from 10 - 9 , good freaking hours, tiring but worth it.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
"im flossing my teeth"
OMG OMG OMG I'm officially G2 certified bitchessss =] I'm so happy, I feel like I've been waiting for it for too long ..Anyways I can finally drive now, when I get my insurance lol I can't wait.
Anyways two days ago went shopping with my boyfriend, tell me how I bought a 135$ guess bag & a 250 guess shoe, LOL then I changed my mind, but I can't take it back sooooo too bad for me lol.
I've been working every frikking day.. I need a break, but it's whatever cuz it's money.
I got work today again, and I hope it won't be as busy ..
Anyways two days ago went shopping with my boyfriend, tell me how I bought a 135$ guess bag & a 250 guess shoe, LOL then I changed my mind, but I can't take it back sooooo too bad for me lol.
I've been working every frikking day.. I need a break, but it's whatever cuz it's money.
I got work today again, and I hope it won't be as busy ..
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Yesterday was July 1st, Canada day & my 5 months with the boyfriend. Ended up watching public enemy, but it was so boring, for me at least. I'm sorry babe I just really think it's boring lol. Surprisingly my dad knew bout all these things aha so that was a good conversation during dinner time. After chilling at home baby had to go home, & it made me sad since we didn't spend a lot of time due to the fact that it was a wednesday. What a frikking holiday.
To the people that said a quick prayer for me to be able to get a new job.. GUESS WHAT.. I GOT THE JOB :) i'm so happy. & they actually give me good frikkin hours. Thank you LORD. I just really hated the fact that I worked at the other place without getting that much hours. Today was supposed to be my interview, but they actually made me start. I worked for almost 6 hours today, which is tiring but thinking about it, that's what I asked for. & I know it will be worth it :)
& for you .. my one & only, I just want to say thank you for the 5 months, like always for putting up with my attitude issues, for spending every time you can with me, for treating me like no one else did, for not being afraid to speak up when you know I'm wrong, for being there no matter what, for those talks I never had with anyone else, for being yourself around me, & most of all thank you for seeing something in me that made you change your old ways, & lastly thank you for the 'sorrys' you've been stating lately that would just make the fight unworthy of anything. I LOVE YOU UGLY <3
To the people that said a quick prayer for me to be able to get a new job.. GUESS WHAT.. I GOT THE JOB :) i'm so happy. & they actually give me good frikkin hours. Thank you LORD. I just really hated the fact that I worked at the other place without getting that much hours. Today was supposed to be my interview, but they actually made me start. I worked for almost 6 hours today, which is tiring but thinking about it, that's what I asked for. & I know it will be worth it :)
& for you .. my one & only, I just want to say thank you for the 5 months, like always for putting up with my attitude issues, for spending every time you can with me, for treating me like no one else did, for not being afraid to speak up when you know I'm wrong, for being there no matter what, for those talks I never had with anyone else, for being yourself around me, & most of all thank you for seeing something in me that made you change your old ways, & lastly thank you for the 'sorrys' you've been stating lately that would just make the fight unworthy of anything. I LOVE YOU UGLY <3
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