Thursday, August 20, 2009

weekend getaway.

The past few days have been rough, actually the past few months. Losing people in my life is not that pleasant of a thing to hear, but like what they say, when one door closes another opens. I thank God of what I have regardless, especially family, boyfriend, & remaining friends. I must say I have my up & down moments once in awhile, but hey that's life, it's like a mountain you're trying to get up at & once you reach the top it's worth everything. It's not a smooth ride, there's a lot of roughness throughout the way, but I can make it. Once in awhile we need a getaway from all the bullshit that life or let's say the road that we're trying to go through, & I'm finally getting a well deserved one. This weekend, after long hours from work, & dealing with rude people I finally get a getaway along with family, friends, & boyfriend :). Speaking of baby, I must say I was impressed with his blog I loved it =) & thanks for picking me up from work the other day! the little things that you do to make my day & make my tiredness worth it. So tomorrow we're leaving for Blue Mountain after baby's work with Jezz & Alisha on the back seat lol, but before that we're gun look for some computers first cuz I'm in need of a laptop. Since I'm gun help baby drive, if he needs it, we're going to take the side road, which means it's all farmland lol. But it okay, I love fresh air. Anyways, I'll blog & post up some pics when I get the chance to next week.

- dee

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