haven't blogged in what maybe a week now? my last blog was the pics from collingwood. But I should update this, perhaps what has been happening & probably get a new layout. Well pretty much have days off this week and next & it's pretty sick since baby has a week off too. I finally got my laptop :) white sony bitch! lol. I also got a new ipod :) been chilling with baby pretty much everyday going places and such :) it's nice cuz it feels like such a late summer aha. But whatevs it's worth it. At least we did all the list on our summer to do's =] I'll end it here, and blog some more when I got time. So long ..
- dee
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009

before leaving

"little big family" lol

with baby & brother

i love this fag :)

Alysha & I

Baby & god daughter jana, HIS favourite little kid :)

Baby bugging my brother lol

Me, Nicah & Alysha

Almost everyone

lol against baby on that hula game thing

LOL @ my brother

before playing ball

Me & Jezz, realllllly tired lol.
Anyways, the weekend was fun. I just can't wait for next year :)
Im gun get my laptop on thursday or friday soo goodbye to this old ugly laptop lol
Thursday, August 20, 2009
weekend getaway.
The past few days have been rough, actually the past few months. Losing people in my life is not that pleasant of a thing to hear, but like what they say, when one door closes another opens. I thank God of what I have regardless, especially family, boyfriend, & remaining friends. I must say I have my up & down moments once in awhile, but hey that's life, it's like a mountain you're trying to get up at & once you reach the top it's worth everything. It's not a smooth ride, there's a lot of roughness throughout the way, but I can make it. Once in awhile we need a getaway from all the bullshit that life or let's say the road that we're trying to go through, & I'm finally getting a well deserved one. This weekend, after long hours from work, & dealing with rude people I finally get a getaway along with family, friends, & boyfriend :). Speaking of baby, I must say I was impressed with his blog I loved it =) & thanks for picking me up from work the other day! the little things that you do to make my day & make my tiredness worth it. So tomorrow we're leaving for Blue Mountain after baby's work with Jezz & Alisha on the back seat lol, but before that we're gun look for some computers first cuz I'm in need of a laptop. Since I'm gun help baby drive, if he needs it, we're going to take the side road, which means it's all farmland lol. But it okay, I love fresh air. Anyways, I'll blog & post up some pics when I get the chance to next week.
- dee
- dee
you're my song ..
you're an annoying pop song. At others, you're a sweet
acoustic melody. We are two completely different people,
but we came together and it worked. But at some point
you became a
off my radio, hoping the silence would help me. But
tonight I caved in. You will always be my favorite melody.
your girlfriend
Monday, August 17, 2009
Boy Meets World

Cory: Ever since I was young I never understood anything about the world,
and I never understood anything that happened in my life.
The only thing that ever made sense to me was you, and how I felt about you.
That's all I've ever known and that's enough, that's enough for me,
for the rest of my life. Topanga, we gonna get married?
Topanga: Yea, we are
Cory: Mom, Listen, I haven't been together with Topanga for twenty-two years, but we *have* been together for sixteen. 'Kay, that's a lot longer than most couples have been together. I mean, when we were born, you told me that we used to take walks in our strollers together in the park. When we were two, we were best friends, I mean, I, I knew everything about this girl. I knew her favorite color. I knew her favorite food. Then we became six, you know, and Eric made fun of me because it wasn't cool to have a best friend that was a girl or even know a girl, so for the next seven years I threw dirt at her. I like to call those "the lost years". Then when I was thirteen, Mom, she put me up against my locker and she kissed me. I mean, she gave me my first kiss. She taught me how to dance. She was always talking about these crazy things and I never understood a word she said. All I understood was that she was the girl I sat up every night thinking about, and when I'm with her I feel happy to be alive. Like I can do anything. Even talk to you like this. So that's, that's what I feel is love, Mom... When I'm better because she's here... and now she won't be. So we're finished.
I miss Boy meets world, I loved watching that.. I think that's where I got the idea of a dream boy.. I'm a sucker for guys like Cory Matthews & the love him & Topanga have. I know mine isn't as bad, but I know it will be better as soon as possible =] cuz it's all love.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
vent vent vent.
I just love the fact that you out of all the people would hold such a grudge against me. Out of all the years I have known you, and of all the things I have done for you, the favors, the little things you hold a grudge against me over some little thing? All I want to say is GROW UP. As kids I would understand the fact that you tell someone that 'oh i'm not talking to her' dude, get over it. It's a little thing.. If I list all the things that I should have held a grudge against you, trust me, mine wouldn't mean nothing. But honestly whatever, this is just a way for me to vent out, I don't care if you read it or not, but I hope you do and realize that you got to let go of some pride.
Anyways nuff bull, my gaah I worked everyday this week except Tuesday,oh well nuff money, plus i don't really have to go shopping cuz I already got everything I want =] especially the Adidas sweater from Aritzia =] Ive been waiting for my size and they finally got it lol.I have work tomorrow again, then seeing baby after, perhaps eat some dinner & watch Time Traveler's Wife. Monday is work again, then Tuesday prolly gun go out with the girls and Wednesday with Cate. Friday is Collingwood =] can't wait I need a get away!!! I also can't wait for the 26th til baby get's his week vacay from work :) :) :) ..
Anyways nuff bull, my gaah I worked everyday this week except Tuesday,oh well nuff money, plus i don't really have to go shopping cuz I already got everything I want =] especially the Adidas sweater from Aritzia =] Ive been waiting for my size and they finally got it lol.I have work tomorrow again, then seeing baby after, perhaps eat some dinner & watch Time Traveler's Wife. Monday is work again, then Tuesday prolly gun go out with the girls and Wednesday with Cate. Friday is Collingwood =] can't wait I need a get away!!! I also can't wait for the 26th til baby get's his week vacay from work :) :) :) ..
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
no offense mother nature..
Yesterday was pretty okay. Had my first shortest shift 3 hours lol. It felt fast cuz it wasn't busy at all. I like working mondays lol. Today was my day off, so I picked up Jezz and off we went shopping. Met up with cate afterward after her interview and OH EM GEE she got the job at costa blanca, which is great cuz that means, DISCOUNT :) lol. I kinda wanna apply at Town shoes lol. From what I heard from cate aha. After spending, dropped off cate home & dropped jezz, now waiting for my baby to come over, i miss him, so it's good he's coming over =) .. i love that sleepy head that falls asleep on me every night, literally lol.
& honestly the weather is so shit, no offense mother nature... but give us some good days c'mon pls and thank you =]
& honestly the weather is so shit, no offense mother nature... but give us some good days c'mon pls and thank you =]
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday - Sunday
- couldn't see baby
- got Klaudine
- Milton is FAAARR
- met up with Cate
- met up with Julius, Edward, Jonnie, & Rainier
- Go-Karting with everyone (funn, haven't been go karting for awhile)
- Wal-Mart to buy movies and pop
- Julius place to watch Haunting at Connecticut
* live day, we should do it again.. btw CONGRATS cate for getting the job at Town Shoes =] now imma get shoes from you =]
- worked
- met up with baby
- watched GI JOE
- chill at home
* not only Channing Tatum is hot but GI JOE is a must see movie. It's pretty sick.
- worked
- watched Perfect Getaway with baby
* sick movie..
- couldn't see baby
- got Klaudine
- Milton is FAAARR
- met up with Cate
- met up with Julius, Edward, Jonnie, & Rainier
- Go-Karting with everyone (funn, haven't been go karting for awhile)
- Wal-Mart to buy movies and pop
- Julius place to watch Haunting at Connecticut
* live day, we should do it again.. btw CONGRATS cate for getting the job at Town Shoes =] now imma get shoes from you =]
- worked
- met up with baby
- watched GI JOE
- chill at home
* not only Channing Tatum is hot but GI JOE is a must see movie. It's pretty sick.
- worked
- watched Perfect Getaway with baby
* sick movie..
Thursday, August 6, 2009
mother nature isn't mothering after all..
So I was supposed to have work yesterday but my manager called me right after I got ready to tell me I wasn't working, and that I was working today instead so that was bummy, I decided to take the car and meet up with Cate to go help her find a job. Wow I haven't had a girl's day out for a long time. Then had to go home right away since Cate left and baby was gun pick me up from home and we were going to go to Marcellinus to jog & work out. After that we just went home to play CLUE which was fun lol.
Today, I worked, it was odd for a Thursday and not being busy I guess it was cuz Mother Nature gave us a beautiful day today. Speaking of mother nature, she's not being really mothering to us lately. I don't know what's happening but that storm, tornado, whatever you call it was weird. It was like hail and heavy thunderstorm. So I won't be seeing the boyfriend tomorrow since his cousins are over =( bummer but it's okay I guess, hope you have fun baby. I also hope those people are really your cousins! Anyways I got my school schedule I found out that ill be at school
10:50 - 11:40
11:45 - 1:30
9:00 - 11:40
2:30 - 4:15
9:55 - 11:40
11:45 - 1:30
2:30 - 4:15
4:20 - 6:05
8:05 - 10:45
pretty sick schedule huh? Hopefully it doesn't change.. I'm pretty scared for college, something new but I'm happy I'm moving on.
- dee
Today, I worked, it was odd for a Thursday and not being busy I guess it was cuz Mother Nature gave us a beautiful day today. Speaking of mother nature, she's not being really mothering to us lately. I don't know what's happening but that storm, tornado, whatever you call it was weird. It was like hail and heavy thunderstorm. So I won't be seeing the boyfriend tomorrow since his cousins are over =( bummer but it's okay I guess, hope you have fun baby. I also hope those people are really your cousins! Anyways I got my school schedule I found out that ill be at school
10:50 - 11:40
11:45 - 1:30
9:00 - 11:40
2:30 - 4:15
9:55 - 11:40
11:45 - 1:30
2:30 - 4:15
4:20 - 6:05
8:05 - 10:45
pretty sick schedule huh? Hopefully it doesn't change.. I'm pretty scared for college, something new but I'm happy I'm moving on.
- dee
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Draw a line, & it's up to you to place me where you want to.
Right now, I know I'm below it..
Monday, August 3, 2009
long weekend.
Ended up going to Ontario Science Centre, it was good especially the imax movie. Saw some of baby's girls/boys/friends but as usual didn't get introduced to so that was a downer. But then again I guess it's no biggie to him, I guess in the long run I'll just learn how not to care when it comes to those kind of situation. We also watched Funny People, it was funny. Definitely a must see.
Had to work from 1 - close. But whats more bummy is boyfriend promised me he was going to be there after my work to wait for me and pick me up. But instead he made me wait for 1 and a half hour because he was at the beach with people I don't know. Mind you it's our 6 months. The only fun part was playing battleship.
Woke up early for church, went to church with babe for the first time ever, I prayed for so many things I have been praying for for the longest time. I hope they come my way soon. Their not even for me, their for us. Anyways, we decided to go to Niagara afterward and no lie it was mad traffic, Ray called one of his many many girls so she told us one way to get there faster and it helped. We went to the Ripley's Museum and that Mirror Maze, they were sick. Before going home we played at Midway and got 2000+ tickets which earned me a big dolphin :) and other little things. I love that place. Went home afterward and ate some take out and played mouse trap lol. Then just chilled our night away.
Went to my grandparents to spend time with the fam. It was pretty fun.
happy belated 6 months hun, i love you. I know we have been through a lot, through hell and back, through laughter and tears, through fights and just plain loving. I don't know why lately it seems like everything is changing, especially the love you got for me. I have been noticing the space we're starting to build between each other. Don't get me wrong, I do love you a lot, and I'm scared you're sick of me, especially when u break up with me or you ask me to break up with you. It's sad cuz I'm not sure of how you feel for me anymore. But I'm proud of us, no one thought we would make it this far and we did. I know we're gun keep proving everyone wrong. I'm sorry I know I'm difficult to deal with sometimes but I know you, you like challenge and I am a challenge so I hope you don't give up. But no lie you are a challenge as well, but no way I can give up, this is the best yet hardest thing ever. I love you.
Ended up going to Ontario Science Centre, it was good especially the imax movie. Saw some of baby's girls/boys/friends but as usual didn't get introduced to so that was a downer. But then again I guess it's no biggie to him, I guess in the long run I'll just learn how not to care when it comes to those kind of situation. We also watched Funny People, it was funny. Definitely a must see.
Had to work from 1 - close. But whats more bummy is boyfriend promised me he was going to be there after my work to wait for me and pick me up. But instead he made me wait for 1 and a half hour because he was at the beach with people I don't know. Mind you it's our 6 months. The only fun part was playing battleship.
Woke up early for church, went to church with babe for the first time ever, I prayed for so many things I have been praying for for the longest time. I hope they come my way soon. Their not even for me, their for us. Anyways, we decided to go to Niagara afterward and no lie it was mad traffic, Ray called one of his many many girls so she told us one way to get there faster and it helped. We went to the Ripley's Museum and that Mirror Maze, they were sick. Before going home we played at Midway and got 2000+ tickets which earned me a big dolphin :) and other little things. I love that place. Went home afterward and ate some take out and played mouse trap lol. Then just chilled our night away.
Went to my grandparents to spend time with the fam. It was pretty fun.
happy belated 6 months hun, i love you. I know we have been through a lot, through hell and back, through laughter and tears, through fights and just plain loving. I don't know why lately it seems like everything is changing, especially the love you got for me. I have been noticing the space we're starting to build between each other. Don't get me wrong, I do love you a lot, and I'm scared you're sick of me, especially when u break up with me or you ask me to break up with you. It's sad cuz I'm not sure of how you feel for me anymore. But I'm proud of us, no one thought we would make it this far and we did. I know we're gun keep proving everyone wrong. I'm sorry I know I'm difficult to deal with sometimes but I know you, you like challenge and I am a challenge so I hope you don't give up. But no lie you are a challenge as well, but no way I can give up, this is the best yet hardest thing ever. I love you.
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