Tuesday, January 13, 2009

kiss me through the phone..

So it's 9:28pm, and for some reason I'm kind of tired just because I didn't take my nap today, Jed came over after school. Was supposed to get Lauren's nose pierce done but decided to go home since mom offered me a ride home :) lol. So got home and I was supposed to take my nap but Jeddy Confetti was too loud. So whatevs, he did my hair, it was so pretty & did 'PHOTOSHOOT' lol. I wish i was effin pretty. And Ray surprised me with a text message that said, do you wanna come to a Raptors game with me. I've never been so I'm excited. He gave me an option to go either tomorrow against the bulls or on Feb 4th against the Lakers, obv imma choose Lakers. lol, I could kiss him right then lol. made my day : )

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