So I did my last exam today, & the worst. ENGLISH! Jade was right, it was mad long. It took me almost two hours to finish it. I did a really crappy job answering the short answers & the essay question. But whatever studying me & Ray did was worth it, cuz i actually did very good on the multiple choice questions :). On the other note me, jizelle, & jed decided to head to james's house along with him after our exams because we wanted to do something for my wifey athina =]. Well Jizelle did all the work since Me & James lack artistic skills lol. Then I received bad news that Ray got sent to the hospital, I was so worried. I didn't know what to do, I wanted to see him just to go be with his family & stuff. Thanks to his friend & his sister for keeping me updated with the progress. Thank you God he woke up round 6. I was really pouring out my heart to his sister & his friend, hopefully they deleted the messages. I'm thankful he's okay now, I also kept a promise to his sister that I am going to take good care of him, I also promise myself that because I don't want this happening to him again, ever!
Note to self: make sure he's away from sweets & make him eat lots of iron. On the other hand, stayed at James's house and played with his doggie choo-choo, it makes me miss my puppy. I want a pet now lol. That dog is so cute, she was so adorable even though she liked humping james's legs aha. She was also a poser which I loved, when someone takes a picture of her she just stays lol, I shall post pictures up soon :P.
athina: wifeeey, what can I say? you really deserve to have a good birthday this year. Like what I wrote on that paper we've been through so much, yet i only knew you not long ago. Tears, laughter, bitches, sluts, haters, silliness, missions, shopping, summer 08(L), etc. I love you, & i always got chu no matter what bitch :)
jeric: SOULJABOY! lol, thats what my friends call you. Since I used to brag to them about you being a soldier. MMHM, BRAG! lol. You're the greatest! You've made me realize so many things in life, you're like one of my bestfriends. You made me realize that I can't be right all the time, that I can't be princess all the time, etc. Chilling with you is still fun, you loafter and a half. BTW YOU'RE FAT. Happy Birthday, I LOVE YOU LONG TIME..
- ds
P.S here are some pictures.

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