So yesterday, I started my day of being not in the mood for school. It was gay enough that they started second semester on a Friday. My second & last semester in high school is such a downer. Instead of spending my last months in high school FUN, I'm spending it the way I hate it to. A BUMMY ONE. Well hard work pays off, hopefully I don't slack. Anyways back to my day.. My first period was Religion, I seriously think that it is going to be such a loaft class, just because. Second is lunch, at least i have Klaudine, James, Jizelle, & Ryan on that but still it's a bummy just because Lauren was supposed to have that lunch too, oh well. Third & fourth was cosmetology, I'm looking forward to it just because I'm thinking of joining & competing for the skills competition *cross fingers*. Fifth was Chemistry, I HATE IT.. one, the teacher is a bitch. Two, she put me with the most yucky & annoying guy alive. KILL ME NOW jks lol. Anyways as the day went on, Ryan, Jizelle, James & I walked home. Decided to get ready just because I wanted to reach Athina's house right away. My mom couldn't give me a ride so I just met up with Athina at our meeting place. Supposed to go to the library LOL (on a friday, i know its crazy huh) but me & her got lazy. So we met up with people and bussed our asses at Brunswick, played bowling until Ray picked me up. I effin lost, I thought i was going to win. I had to wear the ugly tiara they found i don't even know where. Ray finally met the bestfriend, the kuya, & the wifey .. & also the other important people that he had to meet. It's just the beginning there's more to meet Ray if you're reading this ;) lol. Ray & I decided to leave and go to Oakville to watch TAKEN. It was a pretty sick movie, i'm not gunn lie. But ya spent the night with him.
I got in trouble in the morning just because I took forever to go home lol. My mom woke me up with her ranging voice lol. I was still so tired from last night, I decided to txt ray saying i was in trouble, & i accidentally txted my mom, wow i was out of it aha. But whatever, I went shopping with my mom today. Bought some stuff, couldn't find another dress but I think I'll stick to the one me & Athina bought yesterday. Even though everyone is saying it's a top. I tried it and it was fine. =[ lol. Imma spend the rest of the night watching, eating, doing homework, and talking on the phone. & I'm bummy bout missing cess's jam. Just because I don't wanna be tired tomorrow morning. I have to wake up early for the game me & ray are gunn watch. I'm sorta excited : ), no I lied. I'm VERY VERY VERY excited lol. Anyways ill update this tomorrow with thangss .. yuhhh dig?
- dee
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Set my alarm clock at 9:30, just so I wouldn't loaft on James or Lauren. Ended up getting ready round 11:30 GAY lol. Jame's came over & edited his resume. Then we both went to sq. to meet up with Lauren & Alyssa. My mission of finding a royal blue dress for Klaudine's debut was a fail. Evrything wasn't my size, or its just plain ugly. Which pisses me off. So now this week that's my goal, whatevs I'm going with my mom on Saturday to get one. If I get cheesed, I'm just going to buy a black dress & accessorize it. So then loafted at SQ for the whole day pretty much, met new people. & saw the people I haven't seen in awhile. Went job hunting for a bit, OMG ARBY'S *cross fingers*. Anyways after loafting there for the whole day waiting for Ray, He finally came at round 720ish. Dropped off Lauren at Leonardo's then just chilled with Ray for a bit. Even though it was only for a bit, it was still worth it. I missed him. I think we both needed to see each other, just because of the tension that's happening between us lately. I'm surprised he let me smoke in front of him. Anyways hopefully I see him tomorrow again, I think we're going mini-golfing? LOL, I'm so bad at that. On the other hand, I'm still arguing with myself weather or not I should go to school tomorrow or no. Like seriously, why would they make second semester start on a Friday. Shheeesshh people nowadays. Hopefully this semester goes well.. I'm going to be focused f'real.
- dee
- dee
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
i choose you.
Every girl needs a man; the kind that will treat you right as well as others; the kind that has enough respect for himself, family & others; the one that will change for you to just to be with you. The kind that searches for you with his heart, the kind that can be trusted alone with a room full of many other beautiful ladies, the kind that won`t cheat on you cause he knows he`s got all he wants & needs already, the kind that`s willing to be your friend & lover, the kind that doesn`t mind calling you early in the morning to say good morning & late at night to say good night; maybe even sing you a good morning & tell you a good night story or talk to you until you fall asleep. The kind that will do anything for you, even if it`s just to buy your favorite kind of candy. The kind that will defend & fight for you, the kind that won`t ditch you for his friends when you need him the most, the kind that won`t leave you lonely & wondering, the ones that call you surprisingly, even if he's with his friends, just to tell you that he loves you & misses you a lot. The kind that isn`t afraid to smile to his friends every time you`re around & tells them, "She`s the one." The kind that appreciates you for the things you do for him, even if they`re little. The kind that actually thanks you for the little love notes you leave him, the kind that is willing to wait for you when you`re falling behind, the kind that will actually open the door for you, take you out on dates once in a while & buy you flowers cause its a Wednesday. The kind that notices your hair when you just got it cut or done beautifully for him, the kind that reminds you that he loves you & that he`s happy with you in case you forget, the kind that just doesn`t want kisses & hugs but to actually be loved & to love the kind that calls you "beautiful" instead of "hot." The kind that kisses your forehead when you`re down, the kind that tells you to be strong & not to cry, the kind that will go through thick & thin with & for you, the kind that just loves you for who you are. That kind of man, that`s the kind you keep.. & so far it's you ♥
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
so all i did today was clean. wow what a waste of a tuesday with no school lol.
i recieved a vacation pay from my old work, unexpected. but thank you god. =]
now next thing i need to do is go get a new job.
i recieved a vacation pay from my old work, unexpected. but thank you god. =]
now next thing i need to do is go get a new job.
Monday, January 26, 2009
So I did my last exam today, & the worst. ENGLISH! Jade was right, it was mad long. It took me almost two hours to finish it. I did a really crappy job answering the short answers & the essay question. But whatever studying me & Ray did was worth it, cuz i actually did very good on the multiple choice questions :). On the other note me, jizelle, & jed decided to head to james's house along with him after our exams because we wanted to do something for my wifey athina =]. Well Jizelle did all the work since Me & James lack artistic skills lol. Then I received bad news that Ray got sent to the hospital, I was so worried. I didn't know what to do, I wanted to see him just to go be with his family & stuff. Thanks to his friend & his sister for keeping me updated with the progress. Thank you God he woke up round 6. I was really pouring out my heart to his sister & his friend, hopefully they deleted the messages. I'm thankful he's okay now, I also kept a promise to his sister that I am going to take good care of him, I also promise myself that because I don't want this happening to him again, ever! Note to self: make sure he's away from sweets & make him eat lots of iron. On the other hand, stayed at James's house and played with his doggie choo-choo, it makes me miss my puppy. I want a pet now lol. That dog is so cute, she was so adorable even though she liked humping james's legs aha. She was also a poser which I loved, when someone takes a picture of her she just stays lol, I shall post pictures up soon :P.
athina: wifeeey, what can I say? you really deserve to have a good birthday this year. Like what I wrote on that paper we've been through so much, yet i only knew you not long ago. Tears, laughter, bitches, sluts, haters, silliness, missions, shopping, summer 08(L), etc. I love you, & i always got chu no matter what bitch :)
jeric: SOULJABOY! lol, thats what my friends call you. Since I used to brag to them about you being a soldier. MMHM, BRAG! lol. You're the greatest! You've made me realize so many things in life, you're like one of my bestfriends. You made me realize that I can't be right all the time, that I can't be princess all the time, etc. Chilling with you is still fun, you loafter and a half. BTW YOU'RE FAT. Happy Birthday, I LOVE YOU LONG TIME..
- ds
P.S here are some pictures.

athina: wifeeey, what can I say? you really deserve to have a good birthday this year. Like what I wrote on that paper we've been through so much, yet i only knew you not long ago. Tears, laughter, bitches, sluts, haters, silliness, missions, shopping, summer 08(L), etc. I love you, & i always got chu no matter what bitch :)
jeric: SOULJABOY! lol, thats what my friends call you. Since I used to brag to them about you being a soldier. MMHM, BRAG! lol. You're the greatest! You've made me realize so many things in life, you're like one of my bestfriends. You made me realize that I can't be right all the time, that I can't be princess all the time, etc. Chilling with you is still fun, you loafter and a half. BTW YOU'RE FAT. Happy Birthday, I LOVE YOU LONG TIME..
- ds
P.S here are some pictures.

Sunday, January 25, 2009
diagnosed with love
Feels So Crazy
Baby You Simply Amaze me
So Much More Than Lately
I Owe It All To You (Owe It All To You)
All Those Games We
Use To Play Now
Seem So Lame To Me
What I'm Comin Down With
Feels New To Me
All I Know Is That You Are The Cure
Cause I Been Diagnosed With Love
RV This song really reminds me of you. You know who you are. I've been okay by myself for quiet awhile now, but the minute you came back it turned everything around. We've been through so much, I've known you since forever. But our situation before was so much different than what we have now. No more games, No more lies, No more other people. Just cause i haven't been in this kind of situation in awhile everything feels new to me, & i'm glad because i thought i would never ever feel it again. I knew the minute I said I will take you back, always was here for you, still here for you, & always going to be here for you. I kept that, I am still here. All this happiness I've been feeling lately it's all you. I am taking the risk in this, & i am willing to. I won't give up no matter what hardships we will go through. We're both hardheaded, & i wish that we will be able to balance each other out & help each other with our imperfections. I appreciate every single thing you do for me, more than ever. Just because I haven't gotten this treatment from anyone ever. I was always used to being treated like shit. But you changed my point of view. I know we used to be so blah about each other during the summer, but i see that we've both changed to better people. Hopefully this works out huh? I'm so looking forward to everything. I'm ready to give my heart all over again. I trust you with it. I cherish every single time i spend with you even when it means I ditch my friends & stuff. All the tears, the smiles, the laughs, the inside jokes, the being bored, the slapping you :), the food that i never ate in my life, the work outs, the whining, the arguments, the ball game with my dad! lol, the joking round, the meeting my friends, the day we went bowling, everything else .. IM SO THANKFULL FOR THOSE TIMES...After all you're my wonderwall. Love you long time =]
I'm a big girl now..
YESTERDAY: woke up at 8am, EXTRAA EARLY! Asked mommadukes to drop me off at the library round 10. Got there and Eduardo found me lol. Damn that guy is smart. Anyways, Ray came round 1030ish and we all studied. But I slacked big time. Thanks to Ray for helping me study all my English things & for waking me up everytime I wanted to sleep lol. Round 2, left the library cuz we both knew that the studying won't go no where. But whatever I got some studying done at least. Drove to Oakville AMC to watch either Underworld or Notorious. We couldn't decide to it was decided through playing the game of chance. Underworld 3 it is!! The movie was early, effin 3:15 havent watched a movie that early in a long while. But it was worth it, pretty interesting movie with all the werewolves & vampire things. I thought it was going to be scary but no it was good. Downer is I kept falling asleep on Ray's shoulders lol. I felt bad but whatever I was tired, I still kept myself up though just because the movie was interesting. After the movie went to Wal-Mart at Meadowvale to buy Underworld parts 1 & 2 lol. Spent like an hour there just looking for it. We found part 1, but part 2 was missing. I also ran into Tiny, cuz she works there it was a co-incidence. Her work was pretty chill lol. After that Ray gave me his pictures, they were the cutest lol. He still have that cute little smile he had when he was a little kid. He was such a ball aha. So I was supposed to go to his house, but my mommadukes needed help & wanted me home. So before heading home, Ray showed me his casa lol, & went for a mission to find the part 2 of Underworld at Heatrland, FOUND IT at blockbuster, with both the part 1 & 2, LMAO .. So much for spending time at Wal-Mart lol. geez. He's such a boy =P. "ITS NOT NEW ASSHOLE" LMAOO still makes me laugh til now. So we just decided to go to Noodle Wok til 8, just chilling is so much fun. Then after buying food, Timmies parking lot til 9. Then he drove me home safely as usual. Thanks Ray for the wonderful day, that took my stress away. I needed it..
I love spending time with you
I love spending time with you
Friday, January 23, 2009
i can't sleep through the pain..
* So today was a very boring Friday, geez. Supposed to go out with Athina but lawd my body was aching from the work out i did yesterday. Im such in a bad shape. Stayed home & slept it off, it didn't work though.
- I clogged the sink, which made my mom very cheesed but she's lucky I'm not in the mood to argue, how am i supposed to know that there's a proper way of washing dishes. jeez, Other than that she kept talking & talking. I understand she had work & she's tired but she can't always blame shit on me.
#Both of us are mad for nothing.
This should be nothing to a love like what we got..
Baby I know sometimes it's gunn rain..
I hate when we fight especially over nothing. I love you off and you gotta understand that. It doesn't mean I'm not in the mood I lost feelings for you what so ever. Sometimes you gotta put yourself in my shoe. I need you with me when I'm having problems, not add up to them. I appreciate every single thing you do for me, I truly thank God for giving me a blessing like you. You're such a challenge, I guess I can feel how you feel now because I know I don't give you an easy way out either. Other than that I fuckin Love You off, you don't understand. Others might talk but they don't know shit about what we've been through. I just hope this will work out. I love being with you & what not. The talks we have in person the promises and stuff, i never ever had those in my life. It feels good to know that there's someone that cares. You might think I don't care sometimes, but trust me I do. Just keep in mind the promises i made. I'm also looking forward about being with you, it'll be one heck of a ride. But we'll make it worth the ride. love you long time ugly
% debut thing going down, IS A REAL PISS OFF! first they tell me to find 9 pairs, then 18 pairs, and after convincing the people today they tell me that we're just gunn do 9, like DONT I HAVE A SAY? like it is my debut.. isn't it? I understand you guys don't want stress, but do you think I want this. I'm not helping out because you guys aren't even recognizing my opinions. I wanted a car in the first place, because knowing myself I won't be able to deal with stress I fucking hate it.. Signs of stress are already showing & it's only starting. I just don't know how I'm going to cope with this.
& I just can't wait for tmrw. I need to get away from these people, and this situation even if it's only a few hours. Even if it means studying at the library. Or just whatever. Hopefully everything will be good.
Note To Self: BUY A M'FCKN DRESS !
- dee
- I clogged the sink, which made my mom very cheesed but she's lucky I'm not in the mood to argue, how am i supposed to know that there's a proper way of washing dishes. jeez, Other than that she kept talking & talking. I understand she had work & she's tired but she can't always blame shit on me.
This should be nothing to a love like what we got..
Baby I know sometimes it's gunn rain..
I hate when we fight especially over nothing. I love you off and you gotta understand that. It doesn't mean I'm not in the mood I lost feelings for you what so ever. Sometimes you gotta put yourself in my shoe. I need you with me when I'm having problems, not add up to them. I appreciate every single thing you do for me, I truly thank God for giving me a blessing like you. You're such a challenge, I guess I can feel how you feel now because I know I don't give you an easy way out either. Other than that I fuckin Love You off, you don't understand. Others might talk but they don't know shit about what we've been through. I just hope this will work out. I love being with you & what not. The talks we have in person the promises and stuff, i never ever had those in my life. It feels good to know that there's someone that cares. You might think I don't care sometimes, but trust me I do. Just keep in mind the promises i made. I'm also looking forward about being with you, it'll be one heck of a ride. But we'll make it worth the ride. love you long time ugly
% debut thing going down, IS A REAL PISS OFF! first they tell me to find 9 pairs, then 18 pairs, and after convincing the people today they tell me that we're just gunn do 9, like DONT I HAVE A SAY? like it is my debut.. isn't it? I understand you guys don't want stress, but do you think I want this. I'm not helping out because you guys aren't even recognizing my opinions. I wanted a car in the first place, because knowing myself I won't be able to deal with stress I fucking hate it.. Signs of stress are already showing & it's only starting. I just don't know how I'm going to cope with this.
& I just can't wait for tmrw. I need to get away from these people, and this situation even if it's only a few hours. Even if it means studying at the library. Or just whatever. Hopefully everything will be good.
Note To Self: BUY A M'FCKN DRESS !
- dee
Thursday, January 22, 2009
So today, i didn't have an exam, & i'm thankful for that. Someone woke me up, i think it was lauren asking me if im going to gerrika's but i decided not to. I had so much errands to do. I actually cleaned the house, i'm proud of myself hah. Talked to athina for the whole day basically, & got ready round 430. Ray picked me up with his loner car at round 5:30 or 6, to go work out. FUCK this guy killed me lol. Saw Lauren at the bus stop & decided to drop her hom. I felt sore, but whatever it was worth it. That green tea smoothie was good, & chilling was fun.
Right now I'm contented.
Right now I'm contented.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
yesterday: decided not to go to school, sleep in but the worst thing is preparing for the exam. decided to wake up & pick up James, Ryan & Lauren at school, left school round 12:30ish and got to the library round 1, stayed there til 9. damn that was a whole lot of studying.. thanks to ray for my french vanilla, and spending time with me afterwards, and also dropping me off at home safely.
today: big day, math exam. all my studies payed off, even though i didn't get any sleep at all, after exams everyone decided to come over to my house, chilled. i wanted to sleep.
overall, gay day lol
today: big day, math exam. all my studies payed off, even though i didn't get any sleep at all, after exams everyone decided to come over to my house, chilled. i wanted to sleep.
overall, gay day lol
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
friday, stayed home to study .. BORING
saturday, watched my brother's, dad's, ray's, & chris's basketball games, i was literally at t.l. kennedy for the whole day. Brought jed along with me :P ran into hervie, after a long time of not seeing him. then chris finally gave me curious george & the pink ball i've been waiting for since summer lol. watched my brother's team play against north stars, they beat north stars by prolly 30 points, me & ira we're too happy aha cuz not often were they that good. then watched dad's team play against ray's supposedly, but its forfeit cuz they didn't have enough players. Decided to leave and meet up with Jezzamine along with Jed, went to Bubble Republic cuz we were all hungry. Ray picked me up after eating, and decided to go to planet bowl, at eglington to go bowling for two hours. FML, that was hard i only got one strike, lol but we were trying to beat the other couple on the other lane, & we did ehe. Went to denny's afterwards cuz this guy was hungry, the roads were so bad cuz no one was plowing it. round 2:30 decided to head home cuz we were both exhausted, the roads we're still bad but he got me home safely.. : )
today. SLEPT ALL DAY. lol
- exams are coming up soon & i need to study
saturday, watched my brother's, dad's, ray's, & chris's basketball games, i was literally at t.l. kennedy for the whole day. Brought jed along with me :P ran into hervie, after a long time of not seeing him. then chris finally gave me curious george & the pink ball i've been waiting for since summer lol. watched my brother's team play against north stars, they beat north stars by prolly 30 points, me & ira we're too happy aha cuz not often were they that good. then watched dad's team play against ray's supposedly, but its forfeit cuz they didn't have enough players. Decided to leave and meet up with Jezzamine along with Jed, went to Bubble Republic cuz we were all hungry. Ray picked me up after eating, and decided to go to planet bowl, at eglington to go bowling for two hours. FML, that was hard i only got one strike, lol but we were trying to beat the other couple on the other lane, & we did ehe. Went to denny's afterwards cuz this guy was hungry, the roads were so bad cuz no one was plowing it. round 2:30 decided to head home cuz we were both exhausted, the roads we're still bad but he got me home safely.. : )
today. SLEPT ALL DAY. lol
- exams are coming up soon & i need to study
Friday, January 16, 2009
you will overcome it.
After a year, you'd think I'd have something great to say to you. But it turns out, avoiding a topic doesn't make it go away. So I'll just tell you something I believe. We do things for a lot of reasons, most of them we may never know. But even if we've made mistakes, I believe we still have power to change where we go from there. And even though we've made mistakes, I believe those are just things you've done, not who you are. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you hurt me very badly. But if you want forgiveness, you are forgiven. Who am I to judge the type of person you are? But let me tell you, the consequences for your actions will affect me and you for the rest of our lives. Trusting people these days isn't easy, and this punishment you face won't be easy either. It's going to be really hard but you have to decide whether you want to accept responsibility and deal with the punishment or continue living like you don't care about anyone else. You are not the things you've done, but you only get so many chances in life. Don't wait to change until after you're out of changes. There's so much good you can accomplish in this world and I don't ever expect to hear of you doing this to another girl ever again. It's so much easier to tell others what to do with their problems than to stand with them in their pain. So let me make it clear that I think you hurt. I hurt everyday, for me and you. I don't think this is where you want to be in your life right now. But if you choose to, I believe you can overcome this. I believe you will overcome this.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
kiss me through the phone..
So it's 9:28pm, and for some reason I'm kind of tired just because I didn't take my nap today, Jed came over after school. Was supposed to get Lauren's nose pierce done but decided to go home since mom offered me a ride home :) lol. So got home and I was supposed to take my nap but Jeddy Confetti was too loud. So whatevs, he did my hair, it was so pretty & did 'PHOTOSHOOT' lol. I wish i was effin pretty. And Ray surprised me with a text message that said, do you wanna come to a Raptors game with me. I've never been so I'm excited. He gave me an option to go either tomorrow against the bulls or on Feb 4th against the Lakers, obv imma choose Lakers. lol, I could kiss him right then lol. made my day : )
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Haven't updated in such a long time. It's 8:33pm, and I just woke up to eat. For some reason I'm really tired, I did some house work during the morning, but other than that i just layed down on my bed for the whole day. I didn't even do much yesterday and I'm tired, that's how you know I'm unhealthy lol. Yesterday was pretty chill, decided to go to school late, Jed & James came over. Jed did my hair, thank you Jed for that. Went to school, & decided to buy jell-o to make jell-o shots for the jam later on the night. So round 5 James came over my house again, I love his camera btw. Jed came over prolly after an hour. Me & Jed met up with Lauren, Matthew, & Lawrence at SQ. I had to leave & couldn't wait for Athina. Ray picked me up, it was so nice seeing him after such a long time. Watched The Unborn, uh I hated it, just because I hate scary movies. But other than the suckie movie, I decided not to go to the jam anymore, cuz I figured that if I go there at 12, there's no point because everyone is already wasted. But whatevs, Ray kept me company.. Drove all over the place, and ended up at Timmies, stayed there for the longest time lol. Ran into Jelai, etc. played games at timmies, LOL .. that's how bored we were huh? then round 2 decided to go home, just cuz Ray was going skiing this morning. All in all i had fun, even though I didn't get to drink or smoke or whatever.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
The fact that it is just the 5th day of the year and I'm already stressed gets me so upset. People are on my ass about school especially my mother which brings fussing & fighting, & makes things worst because we're not talking to each other. I'm not holding a grudge on her just because she is my mother and I respect her with all of my being but sometimes she has to understand me, I have my own goals for myself and I will pursue them, nagging at me almost everyday is already enough. I wish I can fast forward just a bit just because I hate having problems with her. And how I could wish we'll trade places just for a day or two. But anyways other than that, exams are coming up and I got to stay focused, I have been focused from the start of the semester and I can't mess up now. I thank God that there are people that care enough to encourage me with school. Last but not the least, my upcoming 18th birthday, thinking about it there are so much planning to do, yet I got such a little time. Plus sometimes I don't have a say in it even though it's my birthday. Next 7 months would be so difficult, hopefully I don't shed tears ..
- dee
- dee
Friday, January 2, 2009
new year new danielle ..
The past year thought me lots of lessons that I guess made me a better person in a way, and this year I decided that I will try my best to push my self to do the following for my new years resolution/s:
#1 - To keep myself on the low: I got my mains, I don't need the whole world to know my business
#2 - To put myself before others: I don't get appreciation when I put others before me, so why bother
#3 - Not to waste time on waste people: self-explanatory
#4 - Not to trust easily: like what I said, I got my mains
#5 - Save up: I'll be going off to college in a few months, I need a reality check, and realize that I can't be a spoiled brat anymore
#6 - Clean up: I can't always rely on my mother to clean up after my shit
#7 - Think positive: I can never avoid hating on other people, I always forget that nobody is perfect, so before I point I should make sure my hands are clean
#8 - Stop being jealous: I'm a jealous person, and I should really stop it especially when it comes to my loved ones & material things, it's hard to work for your shit and some people just doesn't understand that
new year new danielle..
#1 - To keep myself on the low: I got my mains, I don't need the whole world to know my business
#2 - To put myself before others: I don't get appreciation when I put others before me, so why bother
#3 - Not to waste time on waste people: self-explanatory
#4 - Not to trust easily: like what I said, I got my mains
#5 - Save up: I'll be going off to college in a few months, I need a reality check, and realize that I can't be a spoiled brat anymore
#6 - Clean up: I can't always rely on my mother to clean up after my shit
#7 - Think positive: I can never avoid hating on other people, I always forget that nobody is perfect, so before I point I should make sure my hands are clean
#8 - Stop being jealous: I'm a jealous person, and I should really stop it especially when it comes to my loved ones & material things, it's hard to work for your shit and some people just doesn't understand that
new year new danielle..
rewrite the memories ..
It feels like it's just yesterday when I was writing my '2007 memories' notes.. 2008 went by so fast, many ups & downs, but I can say this year I have become a better person, lots of lessons learned. so i'll prolly recap what are the highlights of my year..
January: getting high on new years day with kissa, mike & gian, sharing a stinky locker with ian that i hated so much lol, chillage with chris mory, MMMDEELAUGEE etc.
February: mike's house almost everyday lol
March: Jizelle's sweet 16, loafting, chilling with angelo de belen, Niagara Falls, picking a dress for Lauren's sweet 16
April: Lauren's jam, skipping school to drive around Meadowvale, Chilling with chris bernabe, playing ball when there's snow outside
May: the funnest class ever with the most amazing people - comso class :), english class with jade canonizado :), cottage, lost my camera :(
June: G1, chillage with reymar & lauren
July: 17th birthday :), my 'gift', surprise birthday for me & julius, playing ball with ray, driving around for no reason, etc.
August: Chillage with cruz, chillage with athina, being a third wheel, cottage with athina & alyssa, 'CURTAIN' lol.
September: ACCESS, grade 12, night outs, work work work, Grade 9 retreat, Hervie Bautista
October: Toaster Struddles lol, playing dress up with athina lol, etc.
November: Night outs, talks, etc.
December: Jeric Romero, night outs, getting mad sick, etc.
overall i had a lot of fun..
January: getting high on new years day with kissa, mike & gian, sharing a stinky locker with ian that i hated so much lol, chillage with chris mory, MMMDEELAUGEE etc.
February: mike's house almost everyday lol
March: Jizelle's sweet 16, loafting, chilling with angelo de belen, Niagara Falls, picking a dress for Lauren's sweet 16
April: Lauren's jam, skipping school to drive around Meadowvale, Chilling with chris bernabe, playing ball when there's snow outside
May: the funnest class ever with the most amazing people - comso class :), english class with jade canonizado :), cottage, lost my camera :(
June: G1, chillage with reymar & lauren
July: 17th birthday :), my 'gift', surprise birthday for me & julius, playing ball with ray, driving around for no reason, etc.
August: Chillage with cruz, chillage with athina, being a third wheel, cottage with athina & alyssa, 'CURTAIN' lol.
September: ACCESS, grade 12, night outs, work work work, Grade 9 retreat, Hervie Bautista
October: Toaster Struddles lol, playing dress up with athina lol, etc.
November: Night outs, talks, etc.
December: Jeric Romero, night outs, getting mad sick, etc.
overall i had a lot of fun..
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