Monday, October 5, 2009

it's just a TEST!

Today was my first test ever in college, I've had quizzes but there's nothing worst than studying so hard for a test. Since I never really done that before. The minute Andrew my prof, gave out our papers it was so nerve racking. But right when I skimmed through it I realized there was really nothing to worry about since I studied. Hopefully I passed the test. I got another one tomorrow which means I have to study after this post so I can be ready. Anyways, I kind of want to vent out, thank god for my blog. I don't know if it's just me but I feel like everything is going downhill. I feel like I'm slowly losing you & your love. Maybe I'm just jealous, there's nothing wrong with that but the worst part is the only time when we can make the best out of each other we end up fighting and not getting along. I feel like you're slowly turning to be a different person, or slowly growing apart from me. I hate thinking this way because I know I shouldn't but I can't stop myself. The point is it's reality, I know I can't always have your time. I better get used to it before this buggin kills me. All i know is that I hate all the what if's I have in mind.. Everything is hurting me as of now. I don't know what will happen.. I'm just sick and tired of getting hurt. & it's hard not to care because even when I say I don't care, I still do no matter what. The way you talk to me now is so different from the way you talked to me before. I hate it. I hate this feeling. You have lost feelings for me, or losing them because from what I can see you are occupied with the other things that make you happy, I can't stop that. But just to let you know, it's not I LOVE U, it's I LOVE 'YOU'. I'll leave you to think about our relationship and how to make it better, I'm counting on you this time cuz I've ran out of things to do.. Regardless, I Love You TOO MUCH. I know it's just a test, and we'll get over it. Whatever is meant, will happen.


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