So yesterday, I missioned myself downtown to meet up with baby at Union Stn. It took me quick to get there. He finished school around 4 and we walked around for a bit before heading to ACC to watch that Raptors home opener. We were even walking with the Raptors coach, Jay Triano. Lol baby kept dragging me & making me walk fast. Anyways, hands down to the Raptors, they beat Cleveland by 10 points I think? But ya the frikking ref was shit. Everything else was good. Reminded me of the Orlando game I watched with baby last season. Next game, HORNETS! :)
Today, I was really tired. School was shit, the only good thing was I got a ride home. Math test was urgh, HARD! Hopefully I pass. But anyways COMM was okay, we had a sub. THANK THE LORD lol. Didn't go to my humanities class cuz I was tired. My mom picked me up from Sq and made me drive my brother to his practice. Just cuz it's his birthday I brought him lol. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARLO !
Tomorrow, me & baby are chilling for the whole day, I'm not gun go to school cuz it's pointless. but ya whatever..
I'll post the pictures from the Raps game when I get the chance too.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
First off, HAPPY 19th JASJIT, wish you all the best, it's so fun being on your group, all of us plus other people from other groups have been very close lately, and it's so fun when we're all together lol. I bet you liked the card we all made for you ahaha, it's the thought that counts!
So today, went to Humanities and we just basically talked about our essays that are due next monday, I gotta work on mine, I'm halfway through but I gotta do some editing ans shit. Math class was okay, I have a test on thursday so I gotta practice to get a high mark. After Math, Me, Jasjit, Manprit, Eduardo, Malcolm, Dave, & Axcel went to eat in the cafe. We just chilled there for a bit until we had to go home. Now I gotta try to finish my paper after I eat dinner and lalala. Baby has intramural today, & I hope he brings me one day to watch his games *coughcough* lol.
So the weekend was okay, stayed home on ugly friday, saturday me & baby just chilled, oh and we watched saw 6, it was gory. sunday, just stayed home & studied. I so can't wait this for this wednesday, RAPTORS HOME OPENER! =]
Whatever I gotta go, this is pointless.
So today, went to Humanities and we just basically talked about our essays that are due next monday, I gotta work on mine, I'm halfway through but I gotta do some editing ans shit. Math class was okay, I have a test on thursday so I gotta practice to get a high mark. After Math, Me, Jasjit, Manprit, Eduardo, Malcolm, Dave, & Axcel went to eat in the cafe. We just chilled there for a bit until we had to go home. Now I gotta try to finish my paper after I eat dinner and lalala. Baby has intramural today, & I hope he brings me one day to watch his games *coughcough* lol.
So the weekend was okay, stayed home on ugly friday, saturday me & baby just chilled, oh and we watched saw 6, it was gory. sunday, just stayed home & studied. I so can't wait this for this wednesday, RAPTORS HOME OPENER! =]
Whatever I gotta go, this is pointless.
Friday, October 23, 2009
rain rain go away ..
Wednesday was a day off I slept in, & went to the optical place to order my new D&G glasses. I ordered 4, and see how they look & decide from there. My recent glasses are crusty & shit lol. Thursday, math class was okay, got take-home quiz & test next week, FUCK MY LIFE. A week full of test is coming once again I believe it's the week of Nov. 9th. So I should start studying. COMM was okay, we had a debate that about it & got our tests back, I GOT 29/30 I'm so happy lol. Then Humanities was okay, it was jokes. We talked bout marriage & it's ups & downs all that bull crap. Baby picked me up from Westwood, thanks babe. Today was urgh, crazy? lol I actually listened in class for the first time ever, my new prof makes it more interesting. Anyways, after that went home & here I am about to go nap, do some homework, & study. WOW no life much? But whatever. We were all supposed to work out today & pay some ball after but I guess that didn't happen lol. There's always next time. On the other hand baby went to Ottawa today :( left me! but it's okay he has some family things going on, he better behave. But ya, he just recently texted me to tell me that we're going to the home opener =] yay. I also hate how people overreact over the littlest things, like mind your own business. People has their own lives, you gotta learn how to let it go. So it's either shut up or nut up. Whatever I'm done, I got better things to do.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
(8) who's gun run this town tonight ..?
Today, I was almost late for our presentation. My intro to business class was supposed to present something about our BizCafe project. Ours was sick. After our presentation, class was so fun we talked about our lesson & had a lot of laugh. I love that class, it's too fun. I love my group as well lol. After that class I went to the community connections presentation along with Jasjit, Malcolm, Eduardo, Axcel, Cassandra, Mike, & Manprit. It was fun, everyone gave me their tickets cuz they all already went last friday. But I still didn't win anything. I almost though =P. Then COMM class was canceled, our prof didn't even show up. I got home and baby surprised me by coming over =). Thanks for seeing me today babe! good! cuz that kinda makes up for you being away for Friday. Anyways baby & brother played his new game, AGAIN. lol.. but ya it's whatever to me now, boys will always be boys. Anyways i don't even know what to say... OH YAAA I watched frikking Paranormal Activity.. SPOOOOOKED ME OUT! lol.. whatever I don't even wanna talk about it cuz I won't fall asleep again. I'll blog again whenever...
Friday, October 16, 2009
human perfection.

Imagine everyone had a surrogate, something that can help you live a perfect life by just lying down on a bed connected to a machine? And you get to create you're own personality, appearance, and everything. Cool huh? But nah, I'd rather live me, on my own. After all nothing & no one is perfect.
Didn't go to school today.. Right now I just finished eating pizza with my family for dinner, everyone is going out tonight, Dad & brother are going to Kuya Nicoh's place to help prepare for the donations for Philippines. Mom is going to go study I think. & I'm going out with baby to watch Paranormal Activity.. Better not be scary or else.. lol.. Anyways I'm really thinking of moving phone company I want a blackberry or an iphone.. iono we'll see.
- dee
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Thank God for my laptop, it's honestly a life saver lol. I'm currently in Humanities class, and one word, BORING! we're talking bout Malcolm X i don't even know what my prof is talking bout. But anyways, I can't wait to finish, baby is picking me up at Westwood.. I feel like shit like maybe I should go to the doctors. meh .. I dont even know what to talk bout.. FML!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
So what did I do during the weekend? Pretty much nothing. Sunday, went to church & had dinner with everyone. FOOD FOOD FOOD! Baby came over for a bit and watched G.I. Joe. Yesterday my parents made me drive all the way to Caledon which made my ass cramped lol. It was a long drive though the roads were empty. We drove around Belfountain, that place is nice I kinda want to go back to just stroll, but not now, perhaps when it gets warm. Then went to Kuya Nicoh's place to drop off things for our donations for people in the Philippines that were affected by the storm. We also got one more box to fill cause all those donations are due on Friday. Anyways, went home, got ready & waited for baby to come over, we went out for a bit & watched Invention of Lying, it was jokes. Today was my first day back from school after the long weekend. Intro was okay, it was fun, we had to build structures and stuff with our group, and like always my group wins =] honestly we're so organized & we always get our work done, we're probably the only team that doesn't have any problems lol, which is good cuz hard work pays off. Comm was okay, I finished class early since I finished my in-class assignment early. I have another test on Thursday. I also got the results on the two subjects that I had a test on last week. Mind you, these two subjects are the classes that I'm most confused at & I didn't study that much since I couldn't understand it anyways. That's what I get for not reading lol. But I got 70% in both which is good compared to tons of people that studied & failed. I felt really sick throughout the day but I had to soldier it out and stay because I didn't want to miss anything. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a flu. No school tomorrow, I'll probably pick up my yearbook from Goetz. I'm just waiting for baby to call me since I miss him like crazy =(.. I just hate my paranoia, which might turn out true.. Hopefully not.

Duke & The Baroness ♥
- dee

Duke & The Baroness ♥
- dee
Saturday, October 10, 2009
So watched couple's retreat last night, it was so funny. I so wanna watch it again.. Came home just before 2 last night, iono what's up today.. I should get ready soon cuz baby's picking me up.. It's pretty nice out. & I just wanna blabber lol. Im so happy I can chill for a bit with school.. I'm still a bit disappointed that we can't watch the home opener anymore cuz stupid ticket master sold our tickets! & there's no way im sitting in fron of baby, so i guess no more home opener, but baby said he'll watch it with me at home so that would be fine. meh.. ill update later, that was useless.
Friday, October 9, 2009
FINA - fuckin - LY
I finally finished my long dreaded week. The week where I was stressed & freaking out every morning before I go to school & txt my boyfriend & friends that 'I am FREAKING out' every morning lol. I have more shit to do, but I need a break! Good thing it's a long weekend which gives me more time to relax.. NOT! I have to do so much, I got projects & assignments that are worth A LOT!.. This school week is also pretty good for me, I'm starting to get a hang of the people & the change in my life. I knew there was going to be a big change, and I was prepared. Sometimes, I feel like I miss my old friends, but if they don't really give two fucks, I can't either.. Clearly it's different now, people that said they're with you to ride & die didn't commit to it. So concluding that, I also concluded that I can never rely on anyone but myself. I can't trust anyone but myself. But anyways today sucks, it's so ugly outside. I'm probably gun go out with baby, I wanna watch Couple's Retreat =]. & perhaps dinner? I don't know we'll see.. Ill update later on.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
SO, my second test is over.. Honestly this was my first time ever writing a test and taking the whole time writing it. I honestly tried my best and hopefully I don't fail. Tomorrow is my day off & I still gotta study. I'm prolly going to go job hunt tomorrow since I need a job and I don't want to spend all my savings. Thursday I got I think COMM test & Business Math test & frikking 2.5 hours of HUMANITIES!. I hate Thursdays!.. But baby said he's going to pick me up so that's fine =]. Baby came over today as well, and we watched the pre-season game of Raptors against Sixers. He helped me with some of my marketing stuff for friday & watched my brother play baby's 2k10 game. Boys & their video games.
Anyways gotta work on my pc class online. FUCK MY LIFE.
NTS: come up with an ad for BizCafe project.
Anyways gotta work on my pc class online. FUCK MY LIFE.
NTS: come up with an ad for BizCafe project.
Monday, October 5, 2009
it's just a TEST!
Today was my first test ever in college, I've had quizzes but there's nothing worst than studying so hard for a test. Since I never really done that before. The minute Andrew my prof, gave out our papers it was so nerve racking. But right when I skimmed through it I realized there was really nothing to worry about since I studied. Hopefully I passed the test. I got another one tomorrow which means I have to study after this post so I can be ready. Anyways, I kind of want to vent out, thank god for my blog. I don't know if it's just me but I feel like everything is going downhill. I feel like I'm slowly losing you & your love. Maybe I'm just jealous, there's nothing wrong with that but the worst part is the only time when we can make the best out of each other we end up fighting and not getting along. I feel like you're slowly turning to be a different person, or slowly growing apart from me. I hate thinking this way because I know I shouldn't but I can't stop myself. The point is it's reality, I know I can't always have your time. I better get used to it before this buggin kills me. All i know is that I hate all the what if's I have in mind.. Everything is hurting me as of now. I don't know what will happen.. I'm just sick and tired of getting hurt. & it's hard not to care because even when I say I don't care, I still do no matter what. The way you talk to me now is so different from the way you talked to me before. I hate it. I hate this feeling. You have lost feelings for me, or losing them because from what I can see you are occupied with the other things that make you happy, I can't stop that. But just to let you know, it's not I LOVE U, it's I LOVE 'YOU'. I'll leave you to think about our relationship and how to make it better, I'm counting on you this time cuz I've ran out of things to do.. Regardless, I Love You TOO MUCH. I know it's just a test, and we'll get over it. Whatever is meant, will happen.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Gosh, this week will probably be the last week of school that will be stress-free for me. I have a test on each subject for the whole week next week. Now what I have to do is be focused, since I haven't been that focused. In high school I didn't really study that much, the only time I studied was for exams. But now is my time to study my ass off or I'm toast. I also got big ass projects on the side which means more stress. I kind of miss high school due to the fact that I didn't have to study that hard, or even focus. So kiddies in high school right now enjoy your years of it, because trust me you will miss it. Right now I'm studying Humanities, it deals with like philosophers and shit..
Anyways, Happy Belated 8th month baby, yesterday was mine & baby's 8th month. Thanks for the bracelet =] I love it.. I know we have been having conflicts with our relationship but we somewhat get through them together..
Might sound repetetive but just to let you know that I ....
love when you turn all childish on me, love when you playfully wrestle me and pin me lol, love when all we do is laugh and be silly, love when you teach me how to play sports =], love when you show off your ball skills to me, love when you eat everything possible and don't care, love when you play video games with my brother, love when you play and baby my little cousins like how i baby them, i love when you hug me and never let go, i love your kisses, i love waking up to your txt in the morning, love when you hold my hands, love when after we have a big fight and i'm just crying you would just kiss me and everything will be fine, love the fact that you make me happy and make me smile, love when you make my parents/grandparents/family love you off, love when you would take me to places i've never been before, love when you'd bite me, love when you massage me, love when you play with my hair, love when you let me sleep on your lap like i slept on my mom's lap when i was a little girl, love when we just fall asleep on my bed,
I also love when..
you hold my hands while I'm sleeping in your car, when you act all cute to impress me, when you treat me like im your bestfriend, when you stare at me while im sleeping and i constantly catch you or look at you, when you make me brave towards the scariest things ever, when you scare me so i can slap you lol, when I ask you to wear this and wear that basically dressing you up but you don't listen to me, when it's just pure laughs, when i know you swallow your pride for our relationship, when you watch me put on make-up, when you pick me up from school or go to church with me. when you help me study and make me understand the things i don't, when you vent out on me when you know you can, when you let me vent out on you cuz i know i can, when you always get what you want but you dont sometimes lol, when you get jealous over the littlest things.
There's so much more I can't think of right now, but over all, this is all love.. My unconditional love for you that will always stay =]
I LOVE YOU .. happy 8 months!
Anyways, Happy Belated 8th month baby, yesterday was mine & baby's 8th month. Thanks for the bracelet =] I love it.. I know we have been having conflicts with our relationship but we somewhat get through them together..
Might sound repetetive but just to let you know that I ....
love when you turn all childish on me, love when you playfully wrestle me and pin me lol, love when all we do is laugh and be silly, love when you teach me how to play sports =], love when you show off your ball skills to me, love when you eat everything possible and don't care, love when you play video games with my brother, love when you play and baby my little cousins like how i baby them, i love when you hug me and never let go, i love your kisses, i love waking up to your txt in the morning, love when you hold my hands, love when after we have a big fight and i'm just crying you would just kiss me and everything will be fine, love the fact that you make me happy and make me smile, love when you make my parents/grandparents/family love you off, love when you would take me to places i've never been before, love when you'd bite me, love when you massage me, love when you play with my hair, love when you let me sleep on your lap like i slept on my mom's lap when i was a little girl, love when we just fall asleep on my bed,
I also love when..
you hold my hands while I'm sleeping in your car, when you act all cute to impress me, when you treat me like im your bestfriend, when you stare at me while im sleeping and i constantly catch you or look at you, when you make me brave towards the scariest things ever, when you scare me so i can slap you lol, when I ask you to wear this and wear that basically dressing you up but you don't listen to me, when it's just pure laughs, when i know you swallow your pride for our relationship, when you watch me put on make-up, when you pick me up from school or go to church with me. when you help me study and make me understand the things i don't, when you vent out on me when you know you can, when you let me vent out on you cuz i know i can, when you always get what you want but you dont sometimes lol, when you get jealous over the littlest things.
There's so much more I can't think of right now, but over all, this is all love.. My unconditional love for you that will always stay =]
I LOVE YOU .. happy 8 months!
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