*first picture with short hair =(

*boyfriend crossing some guy

*brother & boyfriend bonding lol.
Fuck my life, it's a very nice day today & what am I doing? NOTHING, as usual staying home and doing nothing productive. But I decided that after I update I will do something lol. Yesterday was a good day, Ray surprised me by calling me early in the morning & saying he's coming over it really made me smile & happy because I got to spend Friday, Saturday, & Monday with him. Fell asleep again since it was too early when he came over. Cooked some breakfast & played PS3 again. I really enjoyed watching them get scared over Resident Evil 5, like it's a video game only fags gets scared of that lol. My brother was literally wrapped in a blanket & my boyfriend just being scared ahaha. I seriously fell asleep while watching their boring ass game =P. After getting ready we decided to hit the park, went to the ball court at Marcellinus to run ball as you can see from the pictures above. My brother blocked some fatass old man LMAO it was so jokes aha. & my boyfriend was just loving his Chris Paul passes. hhhmmm lol. Anyways went home afterward and watched some more basketball, I seriously hate basketball & wrestling. I feel like such a man watching those things with them lol. Anyways so I had a talk with my long time friend Jeric, holy I haven't talked to that man in such a long time he was telling me how he's gunn leave for 3 months during the summer to train for the army again, & he's deciding if he wants to go to the war next year. He's so brave geez, I still remember when I overheard his sister say 'kuya whenever you're away with the army, I get so scared because I don't know what you do there & I'm worried for you'.. it really melted my heart hearing that from a 6 year old. I'm proud of him with all his hard-work. On the other hand, everyone has problems these days including myself, wow. I really hope & pray that things between the bestfriend & her family will be good asap, cuz i hate seeing her sad & depressed. I'm also still having problems at the fact that I still don't have a job, like what the hell. Im going job hunting with Eduardo soon & I hope things go well lol. I really hate depending everything on my boyfriend cuz I never really done that before, all my ex's were used to depending on me, not trying to feel nice bout it but it was just always like that. I always feel bad, baby, maybe we should stay home more often so no more spending money lol. I admit my faults, but you know what when I get a job I'll spoil you to death :P, i love you. I just really hate depending on my boyfriends & parents money, I feel like I can support myself & stop loafting on this. I'm also still mad at the fact that I havent been in church in forever, I really should go next week. But whatevsss I'm done with this ..
& OMGAAH, I hate the new facebook.
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