APRIL 2,2009
First off HAPPY 13 MONTHS BEST, we got enough behind us & more ahead of us =] I LOVE YOU & I got you ALWAYS! Yesterday was such a nice day out 14 degrees, went to Jack Darling with almost everyone. I missed them a lot a lot a lot. Thanks JAMES RYAN & LAURENCE for making us 'BASSS' our way there lol. It's kay we were with Ryan, Linda, Jeff, Erick & Andrew. Me, Klaudine & Athina did such a long ass mission & a half. Got there and it was MAD COLD. which I think led to the fact that I feel sick right now. Omg did I ever tell you guys that those Cadbury EGGIES thingys were so addicting? well now you know =P. We took nuff pictures, it was so beautiful there. It's so hard to climb a frikkin tree seriously, so baby if you're reading this I just proved to you that I ain't no monkey =P. Boyfriend picked me, Athina, & Klaudine up around 6:30 after getting his haircut, we drove along Mississauga Rd. talking bout people getting murdered there & stuff, which scares Athina. Im not gunn lie Im scared too lol. But anyways boyfriend drove us to 'MIDGET LAND' lol. Athina & Klaudine we're so amazed ahaha. I could see myself in them when I first saw that place. After dropping the two at terms me & baby went to Sauga Secondary to shoot around, holy their courts there are tall =/. Surprisingly I got some in : ). Thanks baby for picking getting me from that cold ass place =]

APRIL 1, 2009
HAPPY 2ND MONTH BABY, the past few month/s have been really great with you. We have so many ups & downs, yet we still get through them no matter what. The things you've made me realize, made me learn, & made me experience are such great accomplishment so far. I never get sick of spending time with you. Sorry for the hardships & stubbornness I give you sometimes, the words that come out of my mouth when we argue are non-intentional & I'm sorry. I know there are a lot of more great things ahead of us .Like what I always say, I look forward to them, & I'm excited =]. I've never had this with anyone before, now I can say I'm settled & I won't give up on you, on us, & this. Sometimes it might seem that I don't care but I really care for you the most. I Love You, & thank you for everything ugly ;) .

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